
Featuring: Varinova

Our Lia Series has medium vigor and shorter internodes, which means more flower power and garden performance for the end consumer. Tested for pH sensitivity, Lia will flower in 10-hour days. Best in quarts and compact baskets. Six colors in this series: Bubblegum, Melon, Raspberry, White (pictured), Yellow, and Blue.

Lia Series

This new Osteospermum Osticade has big, beautiful yellow flowers that are easy to grow, early to flower, and more tolerant to heat compared to other Osteospermums on the market. Habit is trailing but with controlled growth. This series does not require a cold treatment and can be grown in a warm greenhouse. Best in hanging baskets and landscapes.


There are two new bicolor Verbena Vanessa varieties that have nice semi-trailing habit with small clusters of flowers. Tested for flushing of color and screened for mildew resistance, an absolute must to be included in this series. Full sun varieties with good heat tolerance. Best in quarts and baskets.

There are two new bicolor Verbena Vanessa varieties that have nice upright habits with small clusters of flowers. Tested for flushing of color and screened for mildew resistance, an absolute must to be included in this series. Full sun varieties with good heat tolerance. Best in quarts and baskets.
Vanessa Bi-Pink
Vanessa Violet

This easy-to-care-for, low-maintenance Phlox blooms all summer long. Phloxstar Red, a standout with striking red flowers, will add bold color to any landscape. Great heat tolerance and roots easily. Great in quarts and 2.5 quarts.

Phloxstar Red

The Coreopsis Solana Bright Touch is a zone 5 hardy perennial that can be treated just like an annual — no cooling needed! Nice, compact habit and early to flower. Can be used as a standalone in the garden or as a nice addition to a combo.

Solana Bright Touch
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March 2018
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