Five questions with Justin Wisniewski

Geranium Rozanne® has long been an industry favorite and was introduced to consumers via a website where people can learn more about Rozanne and her perennial garden “friends.” The about page personifies Geranium Rozanne, giving her qualities like “resilient” and “adventurous.” Justin Wisniewski, general manager for Must Have Perennials, discusses how the company cultivated a brand that would resonate with consumers.

1. Why did Must Have Perennials® decide to present Geranium Rozanne® in this way?

JW: A social media campaign was launched in late 2014 to introduce Rozanne as a friend you can rely on for gardening advice and inspiration, no matter what experience level. This venue, with its versatility in communication styles, allowed the benefits of Rozanne to be presented in a conversational, very personal and engaging way. Now she is introducing her friends through, the consumer brand.

2. Who are Rozanne’s friends?

JW: Perennials that have similar traits for performance and beauty in the landscape, such as Achillea Little Moonshine, Coreopsis Creme Brulee, Euphorbia Bonfire, and Helenium Mardi Gras. New varieties are added yearly, each having undergone extensive trialing and evaluation for garden performance. Visit (the trade brand) for details on the 75 total varieties.

3. Geranium Rozanne has 111,000 (and counting) “likes” on Facebook. How did you grow this fanbase, and what do you attribute the popularity to?

JW: Through directed social media efforts to raise awareness for Rozanne, which has long been a staple in our industry and is a PPA Plant of the Year. This is done by producing engaging content, while providing meaningful opportunities to learn more about the variety, as well as other perennials well suited for the garden. Someone greater than myself once said, “A great plant sells itself,” but a great social media campaign helps, too. Check out our blog on this topic at “How Geranium Rozanne Increased Website Traffic by 500% in One Year.” While there, you can sign up to receive new blogs as posted.

4. What advice do you have for garden center retailers looking to grow their social media audiences?

JW: A key component for driving traffic and engagement has been content creation. The team for Geranium Rozanne and her friends works hard to bring content that is creative, relevant and in line with the values of its intended audience. Spend time getting to know your consumer base and their needs or wants. Then provide information and opportunities for engagement through your social media channels. Don’t be afraid to have some fun! Follow Geranium Rozanne on Facebook and Twitter to see how we’re continuing to grow our fanbase. Subscribe to the blogs at both our consumer ( and trade ( websites for inspiration, as well.

5. What resources do you provide for retailers who want to promote Rozanne?  

JW: Go to and sign up as a retail supplier of Rozanne and Friends varieties to be included in the “Where to Buy” listing at Then check out our new regional Garden Design program with downloadable point of purchase materials. Included are posters (three size options) showing realistic applications, bench cards and care sheets. Gardens are designed by our regional experts and are also on the consumer website under the garden design tab.

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